Index for words including 享


Receive, Enjoy, Offer, Entertain

Word Links for words containing 享 (sorted via character pairs)

享 xiangˇ
Receive, Enjoy, Offer, Entertain

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


享受 Enjoy

難得享受 Rarely enjoy

享受速度感 Enjoying the feeling of speed, Enjoying the speed

享受一下 Might as well enjoy

我開始享受 I began to enjoy

享受大家的讚美 Enjoying everybody's praise, Enjoying the adoration of everyone

難得享受與自己相處的時間 Rarely enjoy time with oneself


享福 Enjoy happiness and prosperity

羨人享福 Envy the happiness and prosperity of others


享有 Possess, Have in one's possession


分享 Share

分享 Do not share

分享 Sharing

與人分享 Share with other people

分享 Sharing, Shared

分享他的風景 Sharing his view of the scenery, Sharing his view


共享 Shared

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