Index for words including 愣


Rash, Stupefied, Dumbfounded, Outspoken

Word Links for words containing 愣 (sorted via character pairs)

愣 lengˋ
Rash, Stupefied, Dumbfounded, Outspoken

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


愣了 Dumbfounded, At a loss for words

愣了一下 Momentarily dumbfounded, Momentarily at a loss for words


愣愣 Simply, Stupidly

愣愣望著 Looked at stupidly, Gaze at stupidly

愣愣望著酒瓶 Looked at the bottle of booze stupidly, Gazed stupidly at the bottle of booze


二愣 Badly scared, Scared stiff

二愣 Adrenalin junkie, Risk taker

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