Index for words including 歡


Pleased, Happy, Joyful, Pleasures, Joys, Active, Energetic, Love, Lover

Word Links for words containing 歡 (sorted via character pairs)

歡 huan¯
Pleased, Happy, Joyful, Pleasures, Joys, Active, Energetic, Love, Lover

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


歡呼 Cheer, Cheers, Cheering

他們歡呼 They cheer, They are cheering, They cheered

歡呼起來 Cheers, Starts cheering

一面歡呼一面興奮的 Cheered excitedly


歡躍 Jubilant, Dancing with joy, Jump for joy

無比歡躍 Exultant


歡樂 Joyfully, Happily

十分歡樂 Completely happy


他們是歡們 They are lovers


歡笑 Laughter, Joy, Fun

歡笑 Sound of laughter, Sound of people having a good time


歡離 Joys and sorrows


歡迎 Welcome

歡迎 Welcome you, Welcome, Welcome to this place

最受歡迎 Most popular

歡迎你來到 Welcome you to

歡迎來我家 Welcome to my home

最受歡迎的答案 Most popular answer


歡送 Send-off, Farewell party


歡快 Happy


歡心 Heart, Favor, Love

博取她的歡心 Win her favor, Gain her love


歡歡喜喜 Full of joy, Very happy


歡聚 Get together


歡而 To leave only after one is fully satisfied


歡喜 Joy

滿心歡喜 Heart filled with joy

心裡好歡喜 Feel happy, Excited

歡喜 Full of joy, Very happy


歡聲笑語 Laughter, The sound of laughter

歡聲雷動 Cheer and applaud loudly, Thunderously


新歡 New joy, New love


聯歡 Get-together

聯歡 Social gathering, Party, Get-together

聯歡 Festival


喜歡 Like, Enjoy, Likes, Enjoys, Liked, Enjoyed

喜歡 Don't like, Doesn't like, Didn't like

喜歡 He likes, He liked

喜歡 She likes, She liked

喜歡 Liked

喜歡 Really like, Really liked

喜歡 Favorite

我不喜歡 I didn't like, I don't like

有點喜歡 Kind of liked, Liked a little bit

沒人喜歡 Nobody likes

誰不喜歡 Who doesn't like (to)

喜歡 Liked

喜歡 Don't like me, Doesn't like me

喜歡 Really like her, Really likes her, Really liked her

喜歡 Favorite

我不喜歡 I don't like him

我不喜歡 I don't like her

他也不喜歡 He doesn't like you either

你才不喜歡 You don't like him

你才不喜歡 You don't like her

她也不喜歡 She doesn't like you either

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡 Is that why you don't like him?

是不是因為這樣你才不喜歡 Is that why you don't like her?

喜歡的人 Someone you like, Someone you liked

喜歡飛行 Likes a lot to fly, Likes flying a lot

喜歡的作家 Favorite author

他不喜歡打領帶 He doesn't like to wear a tie, He doesn't like wearing ties

喜歡我的家嗎 Do you like my home

喜歡圍在我身旁 Like to gather around me

我倒喜歡這麼想 I like to think so, I like to think

喜歡吃的食物 Food that I like to eat, Things that I like to eat

喜歡聽你說話 I like hearing you, I like hearing you speak

你最喜歡吃什麼水果 What fruit do you like to eat the best?, What's your favorite fruit to eat?

妳以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass

喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site

我不喜歡他是因為 I don't like him because

我不喜歡她是因為 I don't like her because

實在不太喜歡這個畫面 Really don't like the look of this picture, Really don't like the way things are looking, Really don't like the way that this looks

我實在不太喜歡這個畫面 I really don't like the look of this picture, I really don't like the way things are looking, I really don't like the way that this looks

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil


狂歡 Carnival

狂歡 Carnival

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