Index for words including 況


Condition, Situation, Furthermore, More Over

Word Links for words containing 況 (sorted via character pairs)

況 kuangˋ
Condition, Situation, Furthermore, More Over

Words containing

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況且 And besides


路況 Road conditions


狀況 Condition, Shape, Situation, Circumstances

你的狀況 Your situation, Your condition

回報狀況 Send a status report

失衡狀況 Imbalance

目前狀況 Current situation

突發狀況 Emergency, Emergency situation(s)

經濟狀況 Economic status, Economic situation

搞清楚狀況 Figure out the situation, Figure out what's going on

解釋了狀況 Explained the situation

各種突發狀況 A variety of (all kinds of) emergency situations

我想搞清楚狀況 I'm trying to figure out what's going on, I'm trying to figure out the situation, I want to find out what's going on, I want to find out

改善了他的狀況 Improved his situation

觀察試管內的狀況 Observe conditions inside the test tube

典型的狀況 Typically

在這個狀況 In this condition, In this situation, In this state

在那個狀況 Under the circumstances

緊急狀況下使用 Emergency use only, For use in emergency

緊急狀況發生時 When an emergency occurs, When emergencies occur

足夠應付突發狀況的量 Send an amount sufficient to deal with any emergencies, Send just enough to deal with any emergencies

那還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day


何況 Not to mention, Let alone, Much less


實況 Live situation, Happening now


情況 Situation, State of affairs, Circumstances, Case

糟的情況 Messy, Mess, Messy situation

一般的情況 General case, General situation

在很多情況 In many situations

後者的情況 The latter situation

考量的情況 Mitigating circumstances

隱私的情況 Private matters, Personal matters, Personal in nature, Private, Matters that are private

一般情況 Generally, Normally, Usually, In general situations

某些情況 In some cases, Under certain circumstances

在許多情況 In many cases

在目前的情況 Under the circumstances

但在目前的情況 But under the circumstances

情況就是如此 This is the case, This is how it is

情況已經變了 Things have changed

情況看起來似乎 Situation seems

以免失壓情況發生 In case there was a pressure loss

情況變得棘手以前 Before things got rough

有一陣子情況非常糟糕 For a while it was bad, For a while it was really rough

情況聽起來很不妙 The situation sounded bad

情況看起來發展得還不賴 Things are coming along nicely, Things are looking good


工況 Working condition, Functional condition


現況 Situation, Current situation, Status


境況 Situation, Condition


概況 General or overall situation, General condition

事情的概況 General situation

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