Index for words including 璃



Word Links for words containing 璃 (sorted via character pairs)

璃 liˊ

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


玻璃 Glass

玻璃 Shattered glass

玻璃 Watch glass

彩色玻璃 Stained glass

擋風玻璃 Windscreen

防彈玻璃 Bulletproof glass

一面碎玻璃 A pane of shattered glass

穿過一面碎玻璃 Through a pane of shattered glass

玻璃 Glass walls

玻璃 Glass bottle, Glass container

玻璃 Cellophane

玻璃 Glass jar, Jar

彩色玻璃 Stained glass window

玻璃器皿 Glassware

玻璃製器皿 Glassware

玻璃纖維 Fiberglass

封存在玻璃紙裡 Sealed in cellophane

用硬質玻璃製成 Made of hardened glass

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