Index for words including 監

jian¯, jianˋ

Oversee, Examine, Supervise, Monitor, Control, Direct, Confine, Imprison, College, Jail, Supervisor, Proctor, Inspector, Auditor

Word Links for words containing 監 (sorted via character pairs)

監 jian¯, jianˋ
Oversee, Examine, Supervise, Monitor, Control, Direct, Confine, Imprison, College, Jail, Supervisor, Proctor, Inspector, Auditor

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


監管 Supervision


監護 Guardian, Guardianship


監察 Monitor

監察制度 Supervision system


監測 Reading, Monitoring, Readings

監測 Monitoring device, Monitor, Sensor, Tracker


監視 Monitor, Monitors, Monitoring, Monitored, Keep under surveillance, Keeps under surveillance, Keeping under surveillance, Kept under surveillance, Watch over, Watches over, Watching over, watched over

電眼監視 Security camera

監視 Monitor, Monitors, Surveillance device

監視設備 Surveillance equipment

監視螢幕 Monitor screen, Monitor

第二個監視螢幕 Second monitor


監聽 Surveillance

監聽設備 Surveillance equipment

監聽 Sense, Sensed, Picked up

已經監聽 Sensed, Picked up


監督 Supervise, Oversee, Oversight

監督 Supervisor

監督下放 Under the supervision of


監獄 Jail, Prison

你屬於監獄 You belong in jail, You belong in prison

妳屬於監獄 You belong in jail, You belong in prison

把你從監獄裡救了出來 Freed you from prison, Got you out of jail

我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail


監控 Monitor, Surveil, Surveillance

監控 Monitoring device, Monitoring unit, Surveillance device

監控設備 Surveillance equipment


總監 Director, Chief inspector


太監 Eunuch

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