Index for words including 繳

jiaoˇ, zhuoˊ

Pay, Surrender, Give Up, Hand In, Hand Over, (Zhuo2), Raw Silk Attached To An Arrow

Word Links for words containing 繳 (sorted via character pairs)

繳 jiaoˇ, zhuoˊ
Pay, Surrender, Give Up, Hand In, Hand Over, (Zhuo2), Raw Silk Attached To An Arrow

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


繳納 Pay


繳費 Payment, Pay fee, Pay invoice amount

繳費 Monthly fee

繳費憑證 Payment receipt, Receipt for payment

繳費方式 Payment method

繳費通知 Payment notice, Bill (of money owed)

繳費金額 Payment amount, Payment total amount

繳費通知單 Monthly utility bill, Utility bill

繳費期限 Payment deadline

逾上列繳費期限 If exceeding the above shown payment deadline


繳交 Submit

不必再繳交 Don't need to pay again, Doesn't need to pay again


繳款 Payment amount (on a bill)

自行繳款 Self pay

每月最低繳款 Minimum monthly payment, Minimum monthly payments


應繳 Payable

應繳總金額 Total amount payable


遲繳 Pay late, Late payment

遲繳房租 Pay rent late, Late rent payment

讓我遲繳房租 Give me a rent extension, Let me pay rent a little late

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